
Originally from Montana, I am now a wife and working mom with 3 small children in the suburbs of Atlanta. My first born son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of 4 years old. Having a degree in psychology and an educational background in science, I began researching ways to help him. On my quest to recover him from the disorder, I stumbled upon a world of true health and natural healing that has helped our entire family.

As a researcher and teacher by nature, I have compiled a large amount of helpful information in my journey.  I have an internal drive to organize and share this information with others. I believe that we should all strive to live a more natural and healthy lifestyle.

This is our story and why I am here.

Please check back often as I continue to build and update the content of this site. Also, please feel free to send me suggestions for content that you would like to see.

6 Responses to About

  1. Janice says:

    You have a fantastic and informative blog! I’m going to add your blog to my blog list of parents who are healing their children with autism. https://crystalchild.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/healing-children-with-autism/

  2. Attie Muller says:

    My daugter was diognosed with rett sindrome. Is there any knolage about this. And how can I improve her lifestile. She is 4 and a half years old. She cant talk or use her hands. She wil loose the abillaty to eat and walk.
    Please shed light.

  3. Nariman says:

    What to do in sleeping problems…. My grandson canot initiate sleep without sleep medications…. His parents a sort of fed up of him and increase the dose to make him sleep long time may be 12 hours without eating of course during the sleep ….. I am torn and , i try always to help him …. Any advice

  4. Sonial says:

    My son started biting his clothes. He has PANDAS. Someone told me it could be a sign of high yeast or acidity too

    Any ideas?

    Thank you

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