
Fluoridated water is not recommended for babies, and fluoridated toothpaste is not recommended for small children, yet it is found in our water supply.

Fluoride has been found to be a developmental neurotoxicant.  Fluoride’s “predominant effect” is “topical” meaning that any benefits from the use of fluoride, come from the direct application of fluoride to the outside of teeth and not from ingestion.  The ingestion of fluoride has little benefit, but many risks.

Risk to the brain. According to the National Research Council (NRC), fluoride can damage the brain. Animal studies conducted in the 1990s by EPA scientists found dementia-like effects at the same concentration (1 ppm) used to fluoridate water, while human studies have found adverse effects on IQ at levels as low as 0.9 ppm among children with nutrient deficiencies, and 1.8 ppm among children with adequate nutrient intake.  Thirty-six human studies found that elevated levels of fluoride in children resulted in reduced performance and impaired development of intelligence.

Risk to the thyroid gland. According to the NRC, fluoride is an “endocrine disrupter.” Most notably, the NRC has warned that doses of fluoride (0.01-0.03 mg/kg/day) achievable by drinking fluoridated water, may reduce the function of the thyroid among individuals with low-iodine intake. Reduction of thyroid activity can lead to loss of mental acuity, depression, hair loss, muscle pain and weight gain.

Risk to bones. According to the NRC, fluoride can diminish bone strength and increase the risk for bone fracture. While the NRC was unable to determine what level of fluoride is safe for bones, it noted that the best available information suggests that fracture risk may be increased at levels as low 1.5 ppm, which is only slightly higher than the concentration (0.7-1.2 ppm) added to water for fluoridation.

Risk for bone cancer. Animal and human studies – including a recent study from a team of Harvard scientists – have found a connection between fluoride and a serious form of bone cancer (osteosarcoma) in males under the age of 20. The connection between fluoride and osteosarcoma has been described by the National Toxicology Program as “biologically plausible.” Up to half of adolescents who develop osteosarcoma die within a few years of diagnosis.

Risk to kidney patients. People with kidney disease have a heightened susceptibility to fluoride toxicity. The heightened risk stems from an impaired ability to excrete fluoride from the body. As a result, toxic levels of fluoride can accumulate in the bones, intensify the toxicity of aluminum build-up, and cause or exacerbate a painful bone disease known as renal osteodystrophy.

Contrary to what many believe:

1. No difference exists in tooth decay between fluoridated & unfluoridated countries.

2. Cavities do not increase when fluoridation stops.

3. Fluoridation does not prevent oral health crises in low-income areas.

As of May 2014, the city of Dallas, Texas has put an end to their water fluoridation program.  It is no longer in their water supply, which will save them over 1 million dollars that they had been spending on the industrial chemical.

If you do not live in Dallas, Texas you are probably concerned about how to avoid the fluoride in your tap water.  Please click the link below.

How to remove Fluoride from drinking water

It would also be a good idea to replace your toothpaste.  Here is a link to provide you with a list of the best natural toothpastes according to Good Housekeeping.  Please be mindful of other unhealthy ingredients, such as carageenan, in these brands.

Himalayan Herbal


The Honest Company

Young Living Kidscents

Young Living AromaBright Thieves

Young Living Dentarome

OnGuard Doterra

Silver Sol

If you are a Do-it-yourselfer, you can also make your own, home-made, toothpaste.  Here is a link with several recipes.



1 Response to Fluoride

  1. Westin says:

    Unfortunately, Dallas, Texas voted to continue adding fluoride to their city water. The wealthy community of Highland Park (located in the center of Dallas) does not add fluoride to their water. However, both cities use Chloramine (www.chloramine.org) to the water as a cleansing agent. Chloramine is chlorine and ammonia together and much more toxic/difficult to remove. This is now used in most USA cities. Not only are these chemicals dangerous for kids, they are dangerous to pets, livestock and all people. This is a tragedy!!

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